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Friday, February 1, 2013

Do As The Mayans Do
I believe we can now confidently conclude that the world didn't end on December 21 2011 as many prophesied...

Disappointing as that may be to some, it means we can continue with our dreary and many-splendored lives and do as the Mayans truly intended, which was to re-set the stellar calendar back to zero and start the next cycle...

It also means we have run out of excuses NOT to return books to the Library that were borrowed over the past years (note the plural please).
I've been through our - incomplete - archive data and it looks like there are many members who have borrowed books going back as far as 2009 and haven't returned them since.

Can I please ask each of you to go to your bookshelf and take a good and hard look at the ENGLISH books you find there that may belong to the Association and return them.
And while you're at it, why not make some space on your bookshelf and donate any English book you would like to share with us. DVDs are also welcome.
Since we have no official budget, the Library depends on your donations and generosity to stay vibrant, relevant, and alive!

There is a Donations Box behind the counter clearly marked with a sign that eagerly awaits your contribution. Many thanks to Christophe Becel for his DVDs that are already on offer on the Welcome Shelf for you all.

I remain, not having been raptured away,
Your Librarian

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